Welcome to the BIG IDEAS Conference
The BIG IDEAS for UV+EB Technology Conference is set for March 6-8, 2023, at the Wyndham Bayside in San Diego, California..
This event focuses on the BIG IDEAS in the global space for UV+EB technology and will include 3D printing, additive manufacturing, UV LED, printing, automotive, data-driven materials and more. The BIG IDEAS conference offers the industry a forum to discuss the future of UV and EB technologies while learning more about the applications and science that will enable developments two years, five years and ten years down the road.

Announcing the first PAMA “mini” magazine
December 2022
PAMA was formed as a collaboration between the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) and RadTech, a nonprofit trade association, as additive manufacturing (AM) begins to accelerate on its journey into the manufacturing supply chain. PAMA doesn’t necessarily target specific industries, but instead is a multi-stakeholder organization which spans across the length of the entire AM supply chain (i.e., chemical producers, resin formulators, hardware OEMs, print shops, end-users/customers) and across multiple industry verticals (aerospace, automotive, dental, medical device, construction materials, etc.).

P: (240) 497-1242
RadTech International North America
The Association for Ultraviolet and Electron Beam Technologies
6935 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 207
Chevy Chase, MD 20815